Modern Physical Therapy- Cold Therapy 

Physical therapy in the modern medical cure plays an important role. the problem of transmitted diseases is not only can be solved by injections and medicines, but also by natural physical factors : sound, light, water, electricity, cold, heat, etc...

Cold therapy:

           When having a fever, we can use physical cooling. Cold therapy can also mitigate period pain, headaches, discomfort, skin burns,  muscle spasms, arthritis and pain, and swelling. 
**For those who are sensitive to cold and heat should be under the guidance of a doctor before use.

           The theory of cold therapy is to make the blood vessels cold and reduce blood flow,stop bleeding,  inhibit swelling, relieve pain,and lower metabolism. The purpose of slow down nerve conduction velocity is to achieve anti-inflammatory and anti-paralyzed. If there is sufficient time to conduct the cold therapy, keep doing the therapy about 20 minutes to reach an effect of freezing muscle tissue. It can relieve tension in the muscle fibers, help dilate blood circulation and strengthen the role of muscle.

             If the cold treatment method is used properly, the result is not inferior to the hot therapy. Take sports injuries as an example, usually people use cold therapy for 24 hours after getting injured and then use the hot therapy, as they like the comfortable warm feeling. In fact, cold therapy can still be used. If you understand the cold treatment has effect on pain, inflammation, swelling, then endure a couple of minutes, it will bring you feel  comfortable.

              Ice, ice water, ice pack and cooling agent are good tools of cold therapy. They are dry, cheap, convenient, safe, practical and environmentally friendly. You can place our ice pack in refrigerator and take out when you need. Use a towel to wrap the ice pack and gently place it on the affected area, you may have magical feeling of rejuvenation.

             Physical therapy is getting common. It provides a wide range of uses, being convenient and economical. It’s a civilized physical therapy method in 21 century.


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